PCTEA Portage County Republican General Election Voter Guide 2024

Why YOU Must Vote NO on Issue!


Vote NO on Issue 1 Signs are IN!!!


Patriots, it is UP TO US to get them out - NOW!

GO TO the Portage County Republican Party Office on Route 59 Across from Walmart
to Pick Up Signs and Get them OUT in Good Locations Like I Did! 


Portage County TEA Party Endorses Joe Bica for Treasurer

FOR RELEASE: September 12, 2024

Tom Zawistowski, the Portage County TEA Party Executive Director announced today that the PCTEA was endorsing Joe Bica for Portage County Treasurer in the Upcoming Election. In making the endorsement, Zawistowski said "Everyone in Portage County has known the Bica family for years, because of their fine business reputation, and we have also know Joe for the excellent job he did as Mayor of Ravenna a few years back. Joe Bica is proven to be an honest man who has extensive private and public experience dealing with money - who better to serve as YOUR County Treasurer??? Joe Bica is simply the better qualified candidate for Treasurer and we urge Portage County Voters to Elect him on November 5th!"

Here is the Official Endorsed Slate Card for Portage County Candidates in the 2024 General Election:

Click Here to Download a PDF!

Portage Patriots Send a Message in Primary
Workman, Crawford and others Win

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Contact: Tom Zawistowski, TomZ@OhioCitizensPAC.org

Akron, OH: Tom Zawistowski, Executive Director of the Portage County TEA Party and the Treasurer of the Ohio Citizens PAC, celebrated the huge 20% win by Heidi Workman in the 72nd Ohio House race and the upset win by Jill Crawford in the County Commissioners race along with the HUGE statewide win by Bernie Moreno in the US Senate race. Turnout for the primary election in Portage county was 25% vs 20% statewide. (Click here to see ALL the Results)

Zawistowski said, "I want to thank each and every Patriot who showed up to vote in Portage County yesterday to send a message to both the Democrats and the Republicans that we will not tolerate the pay-to-play culture of Columbus anymore. The disgusting display of spending as much as $300,000 in vicious advertising by Trans-Dem House Speaker Jason Stephens against Heidi Workman, paid for by the Democrat Unions, to re-elect Blue 22 Traitor Gail Pavliga was totally and resoundingly rejected by the voters of Portage County. They may have been able to buy Gail Pavliga and the other Blue 22, but they will not be able to buy Heidi Workman or Jill Crawford because they were elected by the people of Portage County and not you!"

Zawistowski continued, "The message from yesterdays election is crystal clear, We the People of Portage County DEMAND that the people we elect to represent US actually represent OUR BEST INTEREST and NOT those of big monied special interest. The message is also clear, if you betray the voters, We the People in Portage County can and will throw you out of office - regardless of how much dirty money you spend in the election! Let me be clear, the Patriots of Portage County may be the ONLY group of voters in the State of Ohio to be able to do what you did last night! You should be very, very proud."

Zawistowski concluded, "That is the way it was supposed to work throughout American History - the people were supposed to be able to vote out those who did not serve them. Today hardly any elected officials represent the "Will of the People" at the local, state and certainly the federal level and, other than Portage County, have no ability to defeat the big money candidates. The political parties have rigged our elections by wrongly favoring incumbents and then both political "parties" have sold themselves out to special interests. That is why Portage County Republican Party Chairman Amanda Suffecool deserves a ton of credit and your continued support. She did not put her finger on the scale and give incumbents an advantage in the Primary. She treated every candidate equally and fairly and allowed YOU the voter to decide the election. In the past, the Portage County Republican Party could barely find ANYONE to run for the various elected positions. With Amanda's leadership you now have competition! You had an actual fair choice between candidates. That is a sign of a healthy, vibrant, political party and a watershed moment in Portage County politics. One that every believer in the Constitution and Representative Government should be excited about! That is why Tuesday was a GREAT DAY for Patriots in Portage County! YOU THE VOTERS MADE IT SO!"

PCTEA Portage County Republican Primary
Conservative Voter Guide

While these recommendations will be helpful to you, they may not reflect your own personal preferrences! We strongly suggest that you do your own research and vote for the candidates who best meet your goals!

Presidential Race:
You may be wondering why the Republican Presidential Candidates are listed TWICE on your Ballot. Legally, you are not voting for who you want for President. You are voting for who's delegates to send to the Republican convention. So, you are voting for one delegate by your congressional district and then the other is an at large degelate. When you vote for the Trump delegates they will go to the Republican Convention and vote for Trump to be the Republican Nominee. VOTE TRUMP TWICE! Click Here to See our Endorsement of Donald Trump.

US Senator:
This is a very close three way race. President Trump has endorsed Bernie Moreno, as have we and the We the People Convention and Freedom for All PAC, because he thinks Moreno has the best chance of defeating Democrat Sherrod Brown in November. VOTE FOR BERNIE MORENO!

US Congress in the 14th District:
The 14th District has changed dramatically since Dave Joyce first became it's representative, thanks in large part to YOUR efforts in Portage County and NE Ohio. It is now MUCH MORE REPUBLICAN than it used to be but Dave Joyce is a "Moderate" Republican at Best and does not fit the District. Joyce is going to win because he has a ton of lobbiest money and his opponents don't. We recommend that you Vote for Portage County's own Elayne Cross as a protest vote to let Joyce know that we will be watching his votes very carefully over the next two years and will mount a serious campaign to replace him if he does not FULLY support President Trump's America first Agenda next year!

11th District Court of Appeals:
John Eklund is running for re-election and being challenged by Shelly Pratt. The 11th District Court of Appeals a few years back was ALL Democrat and now it is ALL Republican largely due to the efforts of Judge Matt Lynch. While John Eklund has not been as conservative as we would like at times he has been solid in his reasoning and voting since he has been on the court. We recommend that you Vote for John Eklund who has a known record versus Shelly Pratt who is an unknown to us.

In the second race in the 11th Court of Appeals we have an open seat that is being sought by newcomer Scott Lynch and previous Appeals Court Judge Colleen Mary O'Toole. Scott Lynch is Matt Lynch's nephew and is a solid Attorney from Geauga County who's years of experience qualify him for the Court. He would also be the youngest member of the court in a long time and we think that is a good thing. Colleen Mary O'Toole is someone we know well and who has had a controversial political past. The Ashtabula County Republican Party last year unanimously called for her resignation as county prosecutor for a whole host of reason you can read here. Her own county party is not endorsing her and is endorsing Scott Lynch. We have had our own problems with Ms. O'Toole dating back to some unethical behaviour by her in her race against Eugene Luci a few years back. We recommend that you Vote for Scott Lynch.

Members of the Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee:
Men: Vote for Mike Berger
Women: Vote for Amanda Suffecool or Stephanie Stock

County Commissioner:
Incumbent Tony Badalamenti vs Jill Crawford. We have already Endorsed Jill Crawford and you can read that endorsement by clicking here. We recommend that you Vote for Jill Crawford.

Incumbent Sabrina Christian-Bennett vs Sherry Griffith. We have supported Sabrina Christian-Bennett in the past but she has not even asked for our endorsement this time. We do not know Sherry Griffith very well but she is supported by Sheriff Zuchowski who we do support. We are not going to Endorse Either Candidate in this race and we ask that you decide on your own.

All other positions on the ballot are un-opposed.
Personal Statement to Voters Posted on Facebook By Heidi Workman

My Fellow Portage County Citizens:

I have NOTHING to do with the mailers and activity attacking my opponent. I know nothing about it until someone notifies me of what they're receiving.

For that, I'm hearing Pavliga paid over $181,000 to Stephens' $3million slush fund to slander my character with lies and deceit on cable TV and radio.

Then they slandered our businesses with more of the same. Who knows what they'll come up with next.

All because I had the audacity to stand against THEIR corruption. It disgusts me these same liars represent me, my family, my church, and my community in Columbus. They are morally bankrupt.

Is that who you want representing you and your family? Raise your voice at the polls. Go to the Board of Elections and bank your vote!

Not sure who to vote for? Meet me here (Tuesday) and you'll hear the truth about what's on the line.

Heidi Workman YOUR Candidate for Ohio House from Portage County

(Note from Tom Z: It is actually illegal for the candidate or their campaign to "coordinate" with the PAC's and the organizations sending out these hit pieces on both candidates. Heidi Workman has NOTHING TO DO with the mailings, text messages, social media posts attacking Pavliga. All this money being spent in this horrific fight for POWER in Columbus is spent by the Teachers Unions trying to buy Republicans and the Republican Establishment trying to keep control of Republicans! No one is going to "Control" Heidi Workman except the People of Portage County who she will faithfully Represent! You have my word on it!

Congressman Jim Jordan Announce his Support for Heidi Workman

In a Text Message Friday to Portage County Voters Congressman Jim Jordan announced his support for Heidi Workman’s campaign for State Representative in the March 19th Republican primary. He knows Heidi is a true conservative leader and America First candidate. Workman, a former neonatal ICU nurse and national leader for your constitutional rights, is running for state representative in Portage County. Heidi adds Congressman Jordan’s support to a long list of endorsements that include: Gen Michael Flynn, President Trump’s former National Security Advisor, Ohio Value Voters, Ohio Citizens PAC, Portage County Tea Party, Ohio Conservatives PAC, Ohio 2A Owners, Associated Builders and Contractors of Ohio, and more! Send Heidi to Columbus and she’ll work to Make America Great Again!

Did You get this Hit Piece in your Mail Yesterday in Portage County?

Desperate and Despicable Blue 22 Traitor and now PROVABLE LIAR Gail Pavliga got "support" yesterday from Democrat/RINO House Speaker Jason Stephens and the Democrat Unions when they mailed this HIT PIECE to every Republican in Portage County.

Their is only one problem . . . The "dark money special interests group that opposes President Trump", who they claim is supporting Heidi Workman, is Americans for Prosperity (AFP), which is anti-Trump and is sending out mailers supporting many of the challengers to the Blue 22. 

However, as you can see in the text that Heidi sent to me and members of her campaign staff on January 6, 2024, AFP withdrew their supportof Heidi after she posted Pro-Trump statements on social media and she told them she would not take them down!!! You won't be getting any AFP mailers supporting Heidi Workman and the entire premise of this mailing is a blatant LIE!

They even paid to run TV ads in Portage County to try to convince you that Heidi Workman is Anti-Trump! I guess that is why Gail Pavliga told Heidi not to run against her because "the Democrat Unions will give me all the money I need to get re-elected"! 

I've got news for you Gail, on March 19th We the People of Portage County are going to throw you out of OUR Ohio House and then take it back from the Democrats next year when we show Jason Stephens the door! SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE!



Portage County TEA Party Endorses
Jill Crawford for Portage County Commissioner

For Immediate Release: Thursday, February 15, 2024
Contact: Tom Zawistowski, TomZ@OhioCitizensPAC.org

Akron, OH: Tom Zawistowski, Executive Director of the Portage County TEA Party and the Treasurer of the Ohio Citizens PAC, announced today that both organizations are endorsing Jill Crawford for County Commissioner in Portage County for the March 19, 2024 Republican Primary. In making the endorsement, Zawistowski focused on Crawford's qualifications for the job as well as her family's long time relationship with the Portage County TEA Party. 

Zawistowski said, "I have known Jill Crawford for many years as her late husband Carl Crawford was the Treasurer for the Portage County TEA Party for almost its entire 15 year existance. Carl Crawford played an integral role in our turning Portage County from totally blue to totally red. It was Jill Crawford who helped make it possible for Carl to give the time, effort and money they gave as a family to help elect conservatives to most of the key elected positions in Portage County."

Zawistowski continued, "Since Carl's passing, Jill Crawford has stepped up to support conservative candidates, like our own Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski, and recently decided to run for office herself. I will be the first to tell you, and she will confirm, that she is no politician! Jill is a very accomplished Certified Public Accountant with over 30 years of experience. She is not one to be swayed by emotions when making a decision. She is a practical, commonsense, fact based, conservative who will be as tight with your tax dollars as she is with her own family budget! As a County Commissioner, we need people who can analyze complex situations and determine the best, and least expensive, way to do what is best for the citizens of Portage County. That defines Jill Crawford to a tee!"

Zawistowski concluded, "We in the Portage County TEA Party are so proud of Jill for being willing to run for office in order to serve the county she loves so much. We ask that all conservative Republican voters in Portage County share our endorsement with everyone they know so that they can vote for Jill Crawford for Portage County Commissioner in the March Primary. Remember, early voting starts next week on February 21, 2024! Anyone who would like to donate to help us elect Jill Crawford can do so by Clicking Here to Donate to the Ohio Citizens PAC which will be helping to promote her campaign."
Read Jill Crawford's Letter to You

Dear Portage County Voter:

I am Jill Crawford and would like to introduce myself as I hope to serve you as your Portage County Commissioner.

In the economic times we are facing at a national, state, and local level, it is important that there is strong oversight of the fiscal duties that impact how Portage County tax dollars are spent. The Board of County Commissioners is granted administrative duties to support and promote development as well as fiscal responsibilities to oversee and coordinate the county General Fund across various departments and services. The Board of County Commissioners is essentially the custodian of the county’s checkbook.
Providing transparency and accountability to you, the taxpayer, should remain the focus for making financial decisions with these tax dollars. Strong analytical skills are important to properly evaluate issues brought forward for consideration. The skill set I have developed as a professional in the financial area will be relevant and valuable to making these types of decisions.

I am well qualified to serve as County Commissioner. I graduated with honors from Kent State University with a bachelor’s degree in accounting. I am a Certified Public Accountant, and I have over 30 years of experience practicing at national and regional public accounting firms as well as at a large, privately held business. I gained valuable insight during my career to the challenges faced by entities whether in the private or public sector. I have strong analytical skills to work through relevant facts to make decisions. The traits demonstrated over my professional career are instilled in me, and I will apply these same traits and professionalism to this office.

My roots in Portage County run deep. I have been a resident for over twenty-five years. My late husband Carl and I chose to live here and to raise our son Joseph in this community. Joseph attends Kent State University, continuing to reside in the county where he was raised, further strengthening my family commitment to this area.

Why am I seeking an elected county office? Many reasons come to mind including a very personal one. My late husband was active in local political organizations including the Portage County Republican Party as well as serving as a campaign treasurer for several candidates. He was passionate about his love for this great country as well as the belief that even one voice can make a difference. I share that passion and that belief. I will be your voice.

I am asking for your vote as I am well qualified and will bring transparency, accountability, and professionalism to the office. The opportunity to represent my county through the role of County Commissioner is a privilege in which I will take great pride and responsibility. I look forward to serving the county which so many other families like mine have chosen to call home.


Jill Crawford

Portage County TEA Party Endorses Heidi Workman for Ohio House after "Blue 22" Traitor Gail Pavliga Votes AGAINST Portage County Values in Ohio Education Committee Vote Today!

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Contact: Tom Zawistowski, TomZ@PortageCountyTEAParty.com

Portage County, Ohio: Today the Portage County TEA Party Executive Director, Tom Zawistowski, announced that the organization is endorsing Heidi Workman in the March 19, 2024 Republican Primary to replace failed Ohio House member Gail Pavliga, whom the group had previously elected twice. Zawistowski made it clear in his announcement that the only way to get honest representation is not just to elect people to office who share your values, but to be able to Un-Elect those who betray the voters and their values. Today, Gail Pavligia totally betrayed the conservative voters of Portage County who put her in office twice.

Zawistowski said,"Gail Pavliga was nobody. She had no name ID. She had no money. She had no political experience. She came to the Portage County TEA Party in 2019 as a candidate who wanted to run for the Ohio House. She said that she believed in our conservative values. She participated in our Liberty Camp for Kids and professed her love of the Constitution. We elected her to the Ohio House in 2020 and again in 2022. Then immediately after the election just a year ago, Gail Pavliga took the bribe from the Democrat Teachers Unions and betrayed everyone who voted for her."

Zawistowski continued, "The Conservative voters of Ohio elected the largest super-majorities in the Ohio House and Senate in Ohio HISTORY in 2022 because we wanted to take back our schools and our government from the woke radical leftists. We wanted to end the indoctrination of our children with the anti-American Critical Race Theory (CRT) lies, we wanted freedom to make our own medical decisions, we wanted to stop the assault on our values from the racist and sexist Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and radical trans-agenda, we wanted election reform and more. The Republicans we elected promised to deliver those things and more. Until we were betrayed."

Zawistowski explained, "When the"Blue 22 Traitors", including Gail Pavliga, voted with 33 Democrats last January to steal the House Speaker position, all that we had voted for in the 2022 election was derailed. Today was the last straw. When Gail Pavliga voted against the Ohio Education Reform Bill in a Committee vote, she showed what a sellout she is. At one point during the Committee discussion of the bill Pavliga actually said that she could not decide until she talks to Kent State about the bill!!! Kent State didn't elected you Gail WE DID! Did you come home and ask your voters how you should vote??? Of course you didn't. It is clear to us that "Professor Pavliga" doesn't give a damn about protecting our children or representing the values of the voters in Portage County who elected her. She is too busy kissing Kent State's ass in the hope of getting a job there once we throw her out of the Ohio House." 

Zawistowski asked, "Look at what was in this Senate Bill 83 today. What is in this that my fellow Portage Patriots haven't wanted for years??? Key provisions of the bill include:
  • Prohibiting mandatory diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs
  • Allowing tenured professors to be fired
  • Modifying collective bargaining agreements
  • Requiring students to take a course in the subject area of American government or history
  • Preventing professors from taking stances in the classroom on controversial topics, which include issues such as climate policies, electoral politics, foreign policies, DEI, immigration, marriage, or abortion policies
  • Prohibiting universities from taking public positions on these controversial topics
  • Requiring course syllabi to be made publicly available online
  • Preventing unions from negotiating on tenure
Gail Pavliga voted NO on ALL of this and Now She Must Go!!! Thankfully Eight REAL Republicans voted YES and moved the bill out of the Committee so that it can now go to the House floor perhaps as early as next week."

Zawistowski concluded by saying, "Get the hell out of our House, Gail! Get the hell out of Portage County for that matter! Gail told our endorsed candidate Heidi Workman when they first met a few months ago that the "Democrat Unions will give me all the money I need to get re-elected, so don't bother running against me." Well Gail, the Democrats don't run Portage County and they never elected you to anything. You can have Nancy Pelosi and the whole damned DNC come in and give you all the money they want, but WE THE POEPLE of Portage County who Elected You are going to THROW YOUR ASS OUT IN MARCH. You shouldn't even file to run for re-election, Gail. You should resign in shame right now because you represent the most vile and disgusting part of corrupt politics. You are a dirty traitor who put your personal interests ahead of your voters and we don't have to take your abuse and we will not stand for it. I ask my fellow Portage County Patriots to share this email with everyone they knowand if you see Traitor Gail anywhere in town, let her know how you feel. Then vote her the hell out in the Republican Primary."


Meet our New House Candidate!


Ohio Voters Defeat AUGUST Issue 1 by 57%-43%
in Record Turnout for an August Election

Akron, OH: Today, Tom Zawistowski, President of the national We the People Convention (WTPC) organization, expressed his disappointment and concern after Ohio voters defeated State Issue 1 by a 57% to 43% margin on Tuesday, August 8th. Passage of Issue 1 would have raised the percentage of popular votes necessary to pass a Constitutional Amendment in Ohio to 60% from the current standard of 50% +1.

Zawistowski said, “Fueled by tens of millions of dollars in TV ads and other media, Ohioans turned out in historic numbers as over three million voters, 38% of all registered voters, came out to vote on Issue 1 which was defeated by a margin of 429,000 votes. Looking at the county-by-county voter results, it is my view that the left did not win Issue 1 as much as the conservative right lost the vote. This was primarily a result of confusion that was intentionally injected into the campaign by very clever, and I would say misleading, TV ads run by the left at the start of the campaign. These ad split the conservative vote just enough in rural communities to sway the election and cause the defeat of Issue 1."

Zawistowski continued, "Raising the bar to 60% of the popular vote was intended to make it harder for outside big money special interests to change the Ohio Constitution in the future. This became necessary once it was understood that, after Roe v Wade was reversed, the radical left discovered that it could “Legislate via Constitutional Amendment”. Even in red states which were vulnerable because of existing laws allowing for “Citizens Initiatives” like what they passed in Kansas earlier this year and Ohio is their next target. Unfortunately, we were unable to help Ohio Citizens understand that what the left has planned is much broader and deeper and more radical than just the November Abortion/Trans/Parents Rights Amendment. This vote was about the FUTURE Ohio Constitutional Amendments that the Left has planned for Guns, School Choice, Small Businesses, Farmers, Parents Rights, future election laws and more. Which was proven by comments made by the Democratic Mayor of Cleveland when he said the quiet part out loud that people should vote NO on Issue 1 so that they, the left, can implement gun control in Ohio using future Constitutional Amendments.”

Zawistowski concluded, “There were implications in this election for the 2024 election as well. Despite a significant effort to convince conservative voters to vote early in person or by mail, they did not do that in significant numbers, and the left built an early vote lead that was basically the margin of victory in the end. Clearly early voting continues to provide an advantage for the Left's get-out-the-vote machine. I want to thank the tens of thousands of grassroots activists in Ohio, and our coalition partners, who worked very hard to educate voters and get out the vote in their counties. Especially those who participated in our very successful Barn Billboard program. I also want to thank the tens of thousands of poll workers who make our elections possible and who did an excellent job on Tuesday. We know now that we will now have to regroup and make changes to our efforts so that we can defeat the radical Abortion/Trans/Parents Rights Amendment in November.”

Join Fellow Patriots This Friday
at the Fund Raiser for
Jan 6th Political Prisoner Trevor Cain


Where: Union House Restaurant, 2713 Brookpark Road, Cleveland, OH 44134
When: Friday, July 28, 2023 from 7:00 - 10:00 PM
What: $30 Donation at the Door Gets you Buffet and 2 Drink Tokens

Portage County TEA Party Member Arrested & Charged Unjustly for Jan 6th Actions

After over two years of taking no action the DOJ and the FBI decided that they needed to charge PCTEA Member Trevor Cain for his actions at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. The reason that they initially took no action was because Trevor DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! He even turned over his cell phone on which he had video of Capitol Police inviting him and many other Patriots into the Capitol Building! He broke nothing, he took nothing, he did not assault any police, he simply walked around the Capitol singing Patriotic Songs for 30 minutes and then he left peacefully!

So why did the Department of "Injustice" and the FBI decide to arrest him now - nearly two and a half years later??? Because there is an election coming up and we can't have you pesky Patriots standing up and fighting back against the illegitimate Biden Regime and the Deep State! So we are going to make a public spectacle of arresting Trevor Cain, and plant a completely one sided and totally exaggerated article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, as a warning to ALL OF US that you better not fight back in the 2024 Election or this will happen to YOU!

Their intimidation tactics didn't work when Obama sent the IRS after US. It didn't work when they arrested Patriots for resisting the Covid Lockdowns and Mask Mandates and Vax Mandates. It didn't work when they started unjustly arresting Patriots after January 6th. It didn't work even when they arrested Trump himself! We will NOT BE SILENCED and we WILL NOT BE INTIMIDATED and we WILL NOT GIVE UP OUR FIGHT TO RECLAIM CONTROL OF OUR GOVERNMENT and bring these unlawful actors to Justice!

It is our duty as Patriots to fight this injustice and help Trevor Cain defend himself until we can win the Election in 2024 and have him and the other January 6th Patriots Pardoned. I am asking you to click on his GiveSendGo.com image below and make a donation to help pay for his legal fees. It's real simple. If you will not fight to defend Trevor Cain when they came for him then who will fight to defend you when they come for you? For your safety, GiveSendGo.com allows you to make anonymous donations if you like. Please DONATE TODAY and share this email with others and SPEAK OUT about the Injustices being done to January 6th Political Prisoners to everyone you know!

For Liberty,

Tom Zawistowski
Executive Director
Portage County TEA Party


The PCTEA Morns the Passing of our Past President Bob Longshore

Former Portage County TEA Party President, Bob Longshore, passed away on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. He was a true Patriot and Statesman and we were honored to know him and to have worked with him for all of these years.

He was with the Portage County TEA Party from the very start on July 11, 2009 and he contributed to our growth and effectiveness in many ways using his organizational and communications skills. Their was no task that Bob would not take on to help us elect conservatives and defend our nation. As a result he played an integral role in our organization turning Portage County from Solid Democrat Blue in 2009 to Solid Republican Red by 2018.

Bob also founded and ran a very successful non-profit organization called Caring Neighbors United which raised money through it's popular flower sales and other efforts to provide scholarships for Portage County children to attend the popular Liberty Camp for Kids. Through that effort alone hundreds of kids got to attend Liberty Camp over the years.

He made our community, our county, our state and our nation a better place through his many efforts over the many years. We appreciate his military service and that of all the Veterans who have been members of the Portage County TEA Party. He had many friends in the Portage County TEA Party.

We give our sincere condolences to his wife Marge and to all of his family members. May he rest in Eternal Peace. We will miss you Bob Longshore.

Huge Red Wave in Portage County on November 8th

Thank you Patriots for KEEPING Portage County Conservative! It was a near sweep yesterday thanks to Portage County Republican Party Chairman Amanda Suffecool, her executive committee and central committee members, the great candidates who ran as Republicans, and YOU the Voters! Thank you also to so many of you who worked at the polls on election day and to all the staff at the Portage County Board of Elections who made sure that we had a fair and smooth election! Here are the results from lasts night:
  • Rep. Gail Pavliga won 22,227 to 21,038 against former representative and county commissioner Kathleen Clyde.
  • Mike Tinlin, former Aurora police chief and Streetsboro city council member, was elected to the county board of commissioners with 34,133 votes to 24,140 against former Portage County NAACP president Geraldine Hayes Nelson.
  • Steve Demetriou will serve as state representative after a large victory against Democrat Lori O’Neill. 
  • Former Mogadore village council member Matt Kellywill take the county auditor seat after defeating Portage County Treasurer Brad Cromes.
  • Judge Laurie Pittman will continue in her position at the court of common pleas, winning 32,889 to 18,359 against Republican challenger Wes Buchanan.

ALL the State and Federal Republican Candidates also won the elections in Portage County including JD Vance and Madison Gesiotto Gilbert and Dave Joyce. Plus all three of the critical Ohio Supreme Court Candidates! All Patriots in Portage County deserve massive credit for rejecting the destructive policies and ideologies of the Communist former Democrat Party and standing for Individual Freedom, Liberty and Prosperity. Congratulations to everyone who voted, ran, and worked to elect these conservative candidates!

For Liberty,

Tom Zawistowski
Executive Director
Portage County TEA Party

Here is the Call to Action for ALL Portage County Conservatives:
The Portage County TEA Party also ask ALL VOTERS to vote for John Hagan for Ohio State School Board in District 9! John has been a warrior fighting against CRT and the destructive "Trans-Agenda" being forced upon our children and grandchildren by the Democrat Communist Controlled Unions!


by is licensed under

Why YOU Should Vote YES on Issue 1

What is Issue 1 on the August 8, 2023 ballot?

Put simply, it requires 60 percent approval for future amendments to the Ohio Constitution.

Why is that important?

The Ohio Constitution is a mess. It’s filled with legislation that belongs in the Ohio Revised Code. Currently, big money groups from outside Ohio have the ability to finance large scale efforts to change the Ohio Constitution with a simple majority vote of the people. This 60 percent rule to protect our constitution should have been put in place decades ago. Regardless, if we don’t pass this, our constitution will undoubtedly get worse.

What groups are supporting this protection?

In addition to my personal endorsement, the Clermont County Republican Party, State Treasurer Robert Sprague, and many more.

Cincinnati Right to Life put out a memo with this paragraph:
A groundswell of organizations including the Ohio Republican Party, Center for Christian Virtue, the National Federation of Independent Business in Ohio, Ohio Chamber of Commerce, Ohio Restaurant Association, and Ohio Right to Life are mobilizing Ohioans to vote yes on Issue 1. Many recognize that for too long, Ohio’s Constitution has been up for sale to the highest bidder. From casinos to drug-legalization pushers to abortionists, special interests with millions of dollars have targeted the Ohio Constitution because of the ease of amending our state’s founding document.
Cincinnati Right to Life 6/22/2023
Additionally, a good summary came from Buckeye Firearms:
A YES vote on Issue 1 protects our Second Amendment rights from deep-pocketed, out-of-state interests, like anti-gun Mike Bloomberg. So, of course, gun grabbers and the media are spreading lies to get people to vote against it in the upcoming Aug. 8 special election.
One lie is that Issue 1 is radical and undemocratic because it makes it harder to change Ohio’s constitution.

But changing a constitution is supposed to be difficult — more difficult than changing ordinary laws. For example, the founders made it hard to change the U.S. Constitution. To amend it requires a 2/3 vote of both chambers of Congress and a vote of 3/4 of state legislatures.

Most states make it hard to change their constitutions as well. For example, Colorado requires a 55% vote. Florida requires a 60% vote. New Hampshire requires a 66% vote.

And guess what? The Ohio Democratic Party itself requires a vote of 60% to amend its own bylaws, i.e., their party constitution! That’s exactly the same vote threshold Issue 1 calls for to change Ohio’s constitution!

Dean Rieck, Executive Director

Friends of Liberty United (FOLU) put out this statement:
Over 30 states already require 60% to amend their state constitution. Issue 1 just aligns Ohio with the majority of other states.

Since 1851, Ohio’s Constitution has been amended 172 times while the US Constitution has been amended only 27 times since 1789! Even a Presidential veto takes a 2/3 vote (@67%) in the House before a bill becomes a law. Ohio has 88 counties. When only 5% of voters signing initiative petition in 44 counties to be required for initiative petitions, this already leaves half (50%) of our counties not represented. If a proposed amendment is good, these new requirements should not be a problem.

Friends of Liberty United (FOLU)
Also consider “Why Ohio’s Constitution Should be Hard to Amend.”
Also "Why Governor Dewine will be votine YES on Issue 1"
And “Why Hunters and Sportsmen Should Vote Yes on Issue 1.”
And the “Ohio Farm Bureau supports Issue 1.”

Important Dates:

July 10: Voter registration deadline for August 8 election.
July 11: Early in-person voting for August 8 election begins.
August 1: Deadline to request absentee ballot for August 8 election.
August 8: Election Day.


The PCTEA Morns the Passing of our Past President Bob Longshore

Former Portage County TEA Party President, Bob Longshore, passed away on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. He was a true Patriot and Statesman and we were honored to know him and to have worked with him for all of these years.

He was with the Portage County TEA Party from the very start on July 11, 2009 and he contributed to our growth and effectiveness in many ways using his organizational and communications skills. Their was no task that Bob would not take on to help us elect conservatives and defend our nation. As a result he played an integral role in our organization turning Portage County from Solid Democrat Blue in 2009 to Solid Republican Red by 2018.

Bob also founded and ran a very successful non-profit organization called Caring Neighbors United which raised money through it's popular flower sales and other efforts to provide scholarships for Portage County children to attend the popular Liberty Camp for Kids. Through that effort alone hundreds of kids got to attend Liberty Camp over the years.

He made our community, our county, our state and our nation a better place through his many efforts over the many years. We appreciate his military service and that of all the Veterans who have been members of the Portage County TEA Party. He had many friends in the Portage County TEA Party.

We give our sincere condolences to his wife Marge and to all of his family members. May he rest in Eternal Peace. We will miss you Bob Longshore.

Huge Red Wave in Portage County on November 8th

Thank you Patriots for KEEPING Portage County Conservative! It was a near sweep yesterday thanks to Portage County Republican Party Chairman Amanda Suffecool, her executive committee and central committee members, the great candidates who ran as Republicans, and YOU the Voters! Thank you also to so many of you who worked at the polls on election day and to all the staff at the Portage County Board of Elections who made sure that we had a fair and smooth election! Here are the results from lasts night:
  • Rep. Gail Pavliga won 22,227 to 21,038 against former representative and county commissioner Kathleen Clyde.
  • Mike Tinlin, former Aurora police chief and Streetsboro city council member, was elected to the county board of commissioners with 34,133 votes to 24,140 against former Portage County NAACP president Geraldine Hayes Nelson.
  • Steve Demetriou will serve as state representative after a large victory against Democrat Lori O’Neill. 
  • Former Mogadore village council member Matt Kellywill take the county auditor seat after defeating Portage County Treasurer Brad Cromes.
  • Judge Laurie Pittman will continue in her position at the court of common pleas, winning 32,889 to 18,359 against Republican challenger Wes Buchanan.

ALL the State and Federal Republican Candidates also won the elections in Portage County including JD Vance and Madison Gesiotto Gilbert and Dave Joyce. Plus all three of the critical Ohio Supreme Court Candidates! All Patriots in Portage County deserve massive credit for rejecting the destructive policies and ideologies of the Communist former Democrat Party and standing for Individual Freedom, Liberty and Prosperity. Congratulations to everyone who voted, ran, and worked to elect these conservative candidates!

For Liberty,

Tom Zawistowski
Executive Director
Portage County TEA Party

Here is the Call to Action for ALL Portage County Conservatives:
The Portage County TEA Party also ask ALL VOTERS to vote for John Hagan for Ohio State School Board in District 9! John has been a warrior fighting against CRT and the destructive "Trans-Agenda" being forced upon our children and grandchildren by the Democrat Communist Controlled Unions!


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